Thursday, 1 December 2011

Don't be a thief, hit that snooze button

“Laboratory studies showed that sleep quantity is positively related to self-control resources and negative associated with unethical behavior”

Great news Occupy Wall Street protestors: Scientists have found a way to make people more ethical. All the Bank execs need to do is have some more sleep and they will not bet on subprime mortgages. This is a true progress in the world of organizational behavior and human psyche in general. Psyke!

I find it very amusing that such meaningless studies are posted. I will likely be amongst the majority of people that hold scientist to a higher standard in their work. Unfortunately they didn’t meet my expectation here, by banally confusing correlation and causation. Even though they don’t come out and state that in the abstract. And frankly speaking I’m too cheap to purchase this article to find out, but logically speaking the study would be even more meaningless if they simply just post the found correlation.

Off the top of my head I can say that sleep is essential to the nervous system in maintaining it’s proper function. I have doubt that the amount of sleep can drastically and solely impact the person’s judgment. I believe that the more appropriate way to pin point the root causes of unethical behavior is through inductive research, not deductive. 

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