Monday, 12 September 2011

Social media advice for job-seekers

Social media advice for job-seekers. I found this article through an e-mail I received from HRPAO. They always select worthy articles to read, even if I don't always read all of their links.
Some of the things that I found in common is that most of the people encourage people to have their LinkedIn profile updated and include as much info as possible. They also highlight that professional or interest blogging is well received among the recruiters. I personally have witnessed how the author of one of my favorite blogs ended up getting a job that completely mirrors his interests and couldn't be any happier for him. This was a blog about pens and writing utensils, which was kind of an obsession of mine while in University. He had these frequent reviews of various products, which were always on point and fair. The job that he was offered was in a marketing department of the online store that sells pens, pencils and other related products. I imagine that it must be a great feeling.

My advice on this topic would be transparency. As a job-applicant chances are that the other party will do a search on your name either on LinkedIn or Google search engines. Once you have information on the internet it stays there, someone with sufficient motivation and tech savvy could tap into the wealth of information about any topic. Why not make it easier for them and provide links to the social networking sites that you are on in the application? Figuratively speaking this would open some doors in your house, which would encourage traffic in selected areas. Also this would encourage you to take control of the information and ensure that the privacy settings are appropriate for your profiles that you want to be seen or not seen.  

So I have decided to try provide an optional podcast to this post. It's pretty much me reading this post, so you can multitask and be efficient. 

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