Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Funny Job Application by a Yorkie

The Hiring manager should have had a sense of humor and done something about this situation, at least attempted to get the girls actual resume and cover letter.
Somehow i am not surprised that this happened to a York student.
Nevertheless this made me smile

here's her blog but i imagine she has way more visitors than me at this point

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Cool, you graduated, but your dream job is not there

It means that you are one of the 300,000 other lucky new graduates with minty fresh diploma looking for work on the job market. Add to that the number of the unemployed people and a few thousand of people looking to change their job and you have your competitors of the job search marathon. Some are holding out for that perfect job that you thought you would be doing after school. Yep those are the new grads like you.
Hate to break it to you but it’s simply not there.

1.     You don’t have experience for your dream job.
The job may physically be there but don’t let that fool you, for you it does not exist. You simply have no idea how much time it would take for you to practice to become proficient enough in that job to be considered competent.  You need to pick up some practical skill along the way to do well in that job with minimal training.

2.     Your dream job is way too popular
Face it, really nice jobs are usually in high demand. They have sought after titles, pay and benefits. So they have plenty of people to choose from. What makes you think they would choose you?

3.     You don’t know what it is
Your dream job is defined right now by your assumptions of what the job entails. You don’t know what you like yet because you don’t have the complete idea of what is done during the day. You don’t know if you like the industry and so on and so forth.

It’s not all spoiled milk and eggs however.                                          What do you have?
1.     flexibility to move for work
You just finished school, and presumably looking to move out, so you should be super mobile and be open to move anywhere for work. Do you know that it’s easier to get a job in provinces that have employment boom like Alberta, and Saskatchewan?
2.     clean slate and opportunity to find a job in any field
Most entry level jobs don’t require you to have prior experience within the industry which means you can choose any industry you think you like. And you can switch easily if you don’t like it. It’s not going to kill you.
3.     Tenacity
Roll up them sleeves, and put in work. It’s 4th quarter mentality all day everyday.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Why do I write a Blog

I have recently read this book Rework that talks about the importance of writing in the business, as a main tool of communication which is clearly essential. Good writers have plenty of transferable skills like omission of irrelevant information, larger vocabulary and clear understanding of ideas that help them write well. These are great skills that I should try to improve in myself and hence it gives me the reason to write on my blog. Hopefully with time i will become interesting to read, but for now I keep on practicing.

Blogging is a great medium for this kind of sparring, as it opens your work up to the world and allow for people to discover your writing. The better you become at writing the more people you will attract It's really that simple, so all you should do is start writing an with time you shall see results.
I came across this little video that talks about blogging today and it highlights some of the benefits of blogging, specifically the process of explaining yourself.